This topic caught my attention, and where I started reading, Oyster-ears wondered if anything can be done and I finished where Candice says that there's nothing we can do about it so we need to learn to live with it. Actually, there are communities around the country where viewers have organized themselves and demanded that the locally produced programs (which are fewer and fewer because of cable, but there's always the local news, and there are the cable companies that decide which stations to offer to subscribers) clean up their act. Rocky Mountain Media Watch is a famous such viewer group. The truth is that the broadcast airwaves belong to the public -- the FCC is the trustee for our airwaves and allows the networks to use them to make lots of money. The networks make lots of money by selling our eyeballs to the advertisers. What viewers can do is complain to the companies that sponsor the ads, and complain to the networks that the ads are unacceptable. This stuff continues because we're all too complacent. Viewers have given up control. By giving up control, we're in collusion. And this is only part of the story. Collectively, we have the power. [Smile]