Thanks for the insurance info. but unfortunatley, our families health situation warrants a bit more aggressive of a plan that is usaully offered without a group.

Dahti, you are right, schooling is 24 hours a day. (My son sleep walks ha ha!) We spend every afternoon on his homework for about 20 minutes and then telling about his lessons that day. He is also a cub scout and if you ahve had any inolvement with an active pack, you know that it is constant. Every week-end we are off hiking someplace and learning something. Collecting leaves for rubbings etc. Of course, the lesson is in the parental itervention and my son's pack is really phenomenal in their activites and involvement. My husban is an eagle scout and it fits very well with our lifestyle and beliefs I guess.

Yes, I will be working full time starting tomorrow. But off at 3:00 pm and only 10 minutes from home.

Dotsie, my last place of unemplyment played a football league that was home schoolers. They were pretty good and a lot of fun.
