There are millions of hobbies. Crossword puzzles are great. It keeps your mind sharp too. Reading?? Journaling? If you knit, which I don't but used to and may again, these days they have such beautiful yarn. Lots of people do those lovey scarfs with varigated yarn. They are so pretty, are easy to do, work up in one night I'm told, and make great gifts at the same time. Scrapbooking is great if you have a lot of photos around. With all the stuff out there now, including scrapbooks that come already for you to just cut and plop the pictures in. People watching doesn't cost anything either and it can be fun. Gardening? Don't have to start from seeds you know? If you want instant gratification, buy the plants and stick them in the ground. Water and fertilize them and watch them grow. Or, buy a few house plants and take care of them. (not for me. I don't have a green thumb, but it's an idea.) Surf the internet. Google your friends. Look up old friends. Email can be kind of a hobby. There are just endless possibilities. what kinds of things do you like to do? What interests you? Do you like working with your hands? Things that make you think? (crosswords) Try the new Sudoku puzzles.

Just a few thought.
