I finally got to see this movie. I loved it!!! I couldn't help but think that the two families could be any families that are raised in two different environments. I laughed out loud thinking of the time my 17 year old son brought his girlfriend to her first family party with the grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. Everyone proceeded to take their place as a reporter and started interviewing the poor girl! She didn't know what was going on. We laughed and included her in all the jokes and carrying on. She didn't know what to make of us. We are a big Irish/Catholic family(not all still Catholic, but most!). We are one of the origianl loud families!

On the way out the door, my 16 year old nephew laughed saying, "Remind me to NEVER bring my girlfriend around this family!" My sisters and I roared at his comment. Of course he will...one day... bring his girlfriend around us and we will NEVER let him forget what he said. I'm sure one of us will have to remind him in front of that LUCKY girl! HA!!!