I have a son (28)that is bipolar. He has had 2 manic episodes in the past 3 years. Last December, he refussed to go for help and in the midst of his mania (walked home from a bar - 20 miles approx. - in 15 degree weather- in his shirtsleeves) we had to have the police pick him up and take him to the county mental hospital. He has no insurance - and that is unfortuantely what we have to deal with.

We was very angry with all of us for quite a long time. As he began to regain his health, he realized that we had no other option.

It's a long story, he's been in a depression since February - he stopped taking medication shortly after he was released from the hospital. We just moved him back in with us - he is financially a mess now, too. He's drying out (he chose to medicate with alcohol which isn't unusual) and feeling better (one week sober as of yesterday.) The next step will be to get him to see that he HAS to get professional help - or we'll be facing another episode (manic/depressive) again.

I feel for you, swimette, and unfortunately I don't have any answers either. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life.