Marie, this is going to sound so harsh and heartless, but you must get him out of the house. Even if it turns out later that it wasn't necessary, at this point, you don't know and your number one job is to protect yourself and your children.

I'm not one to advocate harsh measures when dealing with mental illness, but I think this is one very potentially dangerous situation where you must put safety and caution ahead of your compassion for your brother-in-law. Some here will disagree with me, but I urge you to get him out of the house TODAY, either through an agency that will take him, or call the police. I don't want to scare you, and like I said, we may find out later that there was no reason to be frightened, but I have had experience with schizophrenic friends...when their medications are mixed up and they begin to talk about seeing harmful things like devil worshippers and rape, it's time to worry.

Please, Marie, do it today. Get him out of the house. Err on the side of safety.

PS Having all those particular drugs around the house is very dangerous with small children around. No matter how diligent YOU are, your brother-in-law may not be able to be careful right now, and could quite easily drop pills on the floor or leave them on a table in easy reach of the children. Once he leaves, you may want to do an exhaustive search through the house.

[ May 01, 2006, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]