smile, your post reminded me of a couple good books:

The Bitch in the House
The Bastard on the Couch.

I highly recommend both of them.

What made me think of them was your comment about things changing for men. In the bastard book the guys mention the fact that so much is expected of them in a marriage these days. They grew up in homes with fathers who were very typical of the greatest generation. They provided for thier families, but didn't spend too much time with them. That was their role model. Now men are expected to work, take care of the kids (physically and emotionally), clean, food shop, etc. Imagine that. Sound familiar?

Anyway, my point is that some men say they haven't been prepared for this new way of touchy, feely, maternal way of life. While our generation of women where charging ahead in the work place, they weren't making changes to keep up with us on the home front.