Good afternoon. I would like to shed some light on this subject for you all. I know this is a women's forum, but I felt the need to say something about this topic in particular.

I do not wish to, in any way, belittle the experiences you've had with tickling. It is by no means something that should be used and taken advantage of. However, things are not as they seem.

I am a long-standing member of the website, the TMF . I understand completely how alien and weird it might seem to you, considering your past, but tickling is not always a form of torture or punishment.

Everyone who is a member of this site enjoys tickling in some fashion. Many have been through the same experiences you relate to in this thread. However, we have made an effort to look past the pain it left in our past so that we can find pleasure and comfort in it.

Tickling is one of the most basic forms of human interaction, especially at young ages. It's a wonderful way to re-enforce the bond between parent and child when used playfully, not abuseively. I speak for most of the TMF members when I say that it's a shame that some of you feel as though it's a form of punishment, or something that should be avoided at all costs. Tickling, when not abused, can be one of the happiest, jubilant, and stress reliving things to do. It has bonded couples, and parents with children, closer together for hundreds of years.

It's not a horrible thing. It's just different from what you're used to. Everyone has their own kinks and idiosynchrocies.

I'm very sorry to hear about some of your experiences. No one should be put through things like that, to make such a joyful and innocent things into a cruel and sadistic form of torture. If there's any explaining I can do to possibly ease your minds, please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

[ January 11, 2006, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Mark ]