Lynnie, my brother is still too weak to do much more than sleep/rest all day. It's very difficult for him to even cook for himself, much less get out to a massage therapist right now. I guess the thing he does these days to help himself feel some control is "nothing", because that's what gives him the most pleasure right now - a "best" day for him is one where he doesn't have to go anywhere, doesn't have to take a shower, doesn't have to get dressed and can just stay home in bed/on the couch all day. We can see the toll that any activity takes on him, so are increasing the amount of time we spend with him. I'm living at his place 4-5 days a week now. We can see the difference it makes in his morale.

So I don't think he'll be going for a massage anytime soon - but I hope to convince him to go eventually. I massage his feet now and then at home, and during his chemo treatment...he loves that, and it helps the circulation flow too - so I always tell him how much nicer it would be if his BACK were getting massaged like that too!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)