After several months of my son started showing signs of "something" we had him committed for observation for 3 days (thats how long the law can keep someone against "their will" - at least here) and the head psychiatrist -- the ultimate "expert" in schizophenia in our area -- kept him for 3 days -- called me in for a conference -- told me to get a restraining order against my son -- told him to "grow up" and released him.

Two days later I found him on US 41 - a six lane highway - waving his arms -- cussing and walking AGAINST traffic !!

After the police took him back to the crisis unit, and a different doctor saw him -- the voices from God convinced this doctor that maybe Rob should stay a little longer. Two weeks later he was able to come home - ON MEDS - with the violence controlled.

Moral to this story -- be afraid -- be VERY afraid of "experts". Just because it has all those fancy letters behind their name doesnt make them worthy of your trust. Do your research - ask lots of questions - get references -- like you say -- we are ultimately responsible for our own health -- and even MORE responsible for those loved ones who can't take care of themselves!