The only flaw I see in the "when it's your time" theory is commercial airliners crashing -- or more to the point 9/11 -- I find it hard to believe that everyone gathered that day had their time coming at that exact moment ---

but on the other hand -- you can't dismiss the point that many people didn't go to work or were late for work that particular day for one odd reason or another -- or the person who was supposed to be on that flight and didn't get on for some reason

so I agree with chatty that you just have to live your life -- with your eyes wide open --

Sugaree -- when my boys were young -- around 8-10 yrs old -- i let them go to one of the local Baptist churches -- I being raised Episcopal and my hubby being raised Southern Baptist -- we decided we would raise them "middle of the road". Anyway, after about 3-4 weeks of going to this church (we met the people - they seemed really nice and mellow and the church was in a nice safe peaceful setting) the boys started "shying away" from their dad. They were sooooo close and I noticed a difference so I asked them what was up. They asked me if dad was evil !!!!!

I about fell off my chair -- my husband is about the farthest thing from evil as any man I'd ever met -- so I said of course not and asked them why.
Seems this church's belief was that since my husband had long hair and an earring in his ear -- he was an evil man.

Needless to say they never went back and these nice people heard some not very nice language from me. Imagine that -- turning a child against his father !!!