Hi wordcharmer, Like many of us here, I probably don't miss reading a post. I am guilty of not answering some posts because either I don't know how to approach the subject, or I move on to read the rest and don't get back to reply.

Sometimes I reply and before I hit the "add reply" I change my mind and delete it. Other times I reply and the previous poster doesn't reply back.

What I liked about your post was your honesty to say what was on your mind and let it be known. Some just go on their way never to be heard from again.

Just like in the real world of meeting people, there will be aquaintances who come and go. Then there'll friends that will last a lifetime. I think that same principle works here.

I cannot comment on your bi-polar but I have a deep interest in learning all about it. Just know...I will be listening.

Dotsie, I don't know if there is such a thing as a "Please reply", "Don't need reply" box that could be inserted where we could check it off to indicate. I think it would take away the genuinity(?) of replys but it is just a thought...maybe someone else has a good idea.

I try very hard to post back to prayer requests and new members welcome. Today I have to go to work so I cannot reply to any others. I had to reply to yours so you would know, Yes, you are important to me .


[ June 18, 2005, 10:35 AM: Message edited by: chickadee ]