this site is a discussion group just for bipolar. It is a safe environment to talk with those with bipolar and those living with someone with bipolar.

When I was first diagnosed with BP, I found the site and it was so helpful to be able to speak with others who had more experience with the disease. They can give you the "been there, done that" perspective that you might need and can't get from a book.

However, I found two books to be invaluable to me as I learned how to deal with my illness.

The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide by David J. Miklowitz, PhD

Bipolar Disorder: A guide for patients and families by Francis Mark Mondimore, M.D.

I think Daphne already mentioned them. They truly are remarkable books and extermely helpful.

I have been very fortunate to have "stabilized" with my medications. My doctor and I worked very close together to make sure that we found the proper combination and dosage. He understood the disease and me. The illness is very personal, meaning that one combination of drugs may work for one person, but not another.

I used to focus entirely on my illness, how it effected me and others, what I did, the decisions I made, every aspect of my life. Now, I have accepted it and have moved on. I take my meds. I do a once daily (How am I doing today?) and the rest of the time I just live my life. Sure, some days I spend a little more time on "me", and that's okay. Whatever works for me. I just don't let it become a big deal and overtake my life.

Am I so naive to think I'll be cured? Heck no. I know that I'll have to take these meds for the rest of my life. But that's okay. I know that I'm a better person for them and I can deal with that.

Did I ramble enough? [Smile] At least I hope I made sense.