Hello again... I have Julie Fast's book and help cards. I have read everything that is out there to read about Bipolar Disorder. I took the 12 week NAMI family to family class.. I continue to read everything I can on the subject. I am going to take the training to teach the Family to Family class. Education is the key!!! For everyone!!! I don't agree with everything that Julie says and does either but she sure has some good points in dealing with this disorder.. Yes you do suffer from it that's for sure. Last night my husband and I went to our Home Fellowship group through church. They laid hands on both of us and prayed for us. Its nice to have that support. My husband is med complient. After 3 hospital stays and going on and off meds.. He finally realized he has to stay on them!! Thank God. This happens with most people who have this. He is an easy going guy, very loving. Not angry or mean. I hear so many stories of their loved ones being so gruel. My husband always tells me he loves me and appreciates me for hanging in there with him. I feel at the end of my rope a lot of times cuz depression can be so draining for all concerned but God does help us through these dark times. He has two Christian Drs he sees on a regular basis which is great. Even though a person is on meds you still have ups and downs.. Its learning how to deal with those and learning to live with this illness. Not letting it take over, etc... Its hard work. Exercise is sooo good.. We're working on that one right now. I could go on and on. Its a struggle and God only knows why we are in this situation...I think its to help others. God Bless....