You are so smart to post those definitions on here. Before I posted this subject, I looked up that stuff up too. Isn't it amazing that loneliness has not been openly addressed by the medical community except recently when they seem to be calling it 'social phobia' and prescribing pills.
I am so drawn to lonely people. When we go out to eat, I smile and talk to people who look lonely. In stores, I tell little old ladies they look pretty and flirt with old men.
I just love to see their posture change and their eyes light up. I have a lot of older friends who are widows. I would love to fill the void in their lives, but sometimes it becomes overwhelming. I listen and that's about all I can do.
I wonder if there is a solution. Or if there should be. Maybe, like with other emotions, if we stopped fighting, the pain of loneliness would be eased. ??