Paxil saved my life.

I'm convinced depression can be genetic. Further, I'm convinced my mother's mothers' side of the family suffered from depression for decades but they were never diagnosed nor treated. Mom always thought (because she was taught and wrongly, imo) it was a sign of a weak faith Christian for one to be depressed. Personally, I think that makes as much sense as having a broken leg and "thinking" it whole again.

For the first forty years of my life, my depression was not diagnosed, therefore, not treated. When it was correctly diagnosed and medication begun, it was, literally, a miracle in my life. On the 9th day after taking Paxil I woke up and my first thought was, "THIS is what normal feels like!"

I was on Paxil nine months, long enough for my body to begin producing Serotonin (which it had never done before). Serotonin is the naturally produced chemical which helps regulate emotions. After my body began producing Serotonin I've never needed Paxil again. But, if I had to be on Paxil for the rest of my life, guess what? That's not a big deal. Some people take an aspirin every day for their hearts, some take insulin to regulate their blood sugar...why should taking Paxil be any different?

Sometimes meds don't mask the problem, they fix the problem. Sometimes God uses doctors and meds to fix us. Sometimes God can't give us an answer because we already know too much and aren't listening anyway.

Depression caused by a chemical imbalance is quite different than depression caused by a turn of life events. Not to say one is worse than the other but with a chemical imbalance one simply can't work with a therapist and get well. That's as silly as saying my diabetic cousin who needs daily insulin shots can "think" his insulin levels well and not take his shots.

Please, for those who need meds...there's no shame in taking medication. Would you council a friend to walk gently on a broken leg until it had time to heal? No, you would council your friend to get medical help.

Take your own wise council.