I worked for 10 years in a rehab program for adults with mental illneess (bipolar, schizophrenic, etc), some as young as 18 and have observed many situations and gotten to know many individuals. Suicide is especially common for the young, newly diagnosed individuals who havne't come to terms with their diagnosis. Still, so many schizophrenics and bi-polars are so brave and try so hard, and so many are so gifted. I ache for them and their families. The professionals try very hard to do a good job, but there doesn't seem to be enough good information and there certainly could be a better system! I want to encourage anyone who knows someone who's been recently diagnosed to check out jerrycott.com -- Dr. Cott is a pharmeceutical researcher who was with NIH looking at natural remedies for mental illness and did experiements with fish oil. (He left NIH after about 19 years because they quit being interested in natural remedies.) He has an interesting theory about omega-6 and brain chemistry and says that he's had great success with newly diagnosed patients (especially bipolar), but after people start using synthetic psycho-pharmeceuticals, their brains adapt to the new drugs and the natural remedies don't make any improvements. A problem is, though, that psychiatrists are uncomfortable with recommending regulating diet and using supplements probably because it doesn't give a quick fix and families are usually so desperate, which I don't fault them for. Still, it's worth understanding his alternative view. [Smile]