JJ, good rules of the road.

I just now figured out I posted about the ruffled feathers on the WRONG topic. I thought it was the one about Chatty's friends leaving the site with ruffled feathers because their posts were unanswered. I misread it.

However, quite honestly, I take no responsbility for those who leave. I figure the site just didn't meet their needs.

I am sorry if Chatty's posts go unanswered because she contributes to the posts of others. She is frank, but she does it in a loving way and I love that. As to the recipes, I read them and sometimes print them out, but what do you say to a recipe except maybe YUM.

If I skipped over Chatty's other posts, I might have simply missed them or had nothing to add. Or it might be because I have been busy lately.

I was in a hurry when I posted earlier, and certainly didn't intend to hurt anyone though I do feel we sometimes take things too personally.