Hey friends,

I had never been on this website before but a lot of my girlfriends always talked about this forum and how much they loved it. So today i finally took the plunge!

Anyway, i wanted to share a quick story about a total recovery from a really bad divorce and a pile of bills i was left to pay (I promise the story ends on a good note!)

So it was about 5 years ago when my husband told me he wanted a divorce. I had known for a while that things were on a bad path, but when i saw i was blindsided, it really felt like i was just hit by a bus. Keep in mind, this was in the end of 2008 and the financial collapse was unfolding. I had been living at home for the last 10 years and had not worked in an office in what seemed like a life time.

When my husband first moved out, it was hard emotionally, but it quickly became hard financially, when he shortly thereafter lost his job and all of these bills were now my problem. This was a new low in my life. I had been used to not working about finances and this was something i was not prepared for.

I met with one of my old girlfriends right after all of this happened and she told me that i needed to live my life for myself and my kids, that i cannot worry about what i cannot control. It's exactly what i needed to hear.

Long story short, over the next 3 years i got a job (then a another) and started shopping frugally. I literally printed thousands of coupons off of Grocery Coupons in order to pay for school supplies, clothes and everything in between.

Well, here i am, 5 years later and im happy to say, i paid off my last outstanding credit card bill, i have found new love, and im happier now than i have been the last 15 years. Praise God!

I just want to give anyone out there having a hard time a word of encouragement, there is hope! don't give up!