Unfortunately, jabber, it's not necessarily the employees' fault. Management seems to be at fault here. Those who work the 'front lines' in organizations like this are more prone to suffer 'burnout' and either quit or stop caring. I know I couldn't work the front line where I work, and I admire those who can. Our mission is to find good homes for all the animals we receive if they are adoptable. Unfortunately, some of the animals turned in to us are not adoptable because of temperament or disease and have to be euthanized. It hurts my heart when I hear about abuse and abandonment of animals through no fault of their own. But we have success stories every day; I don't think any of us who work in animal welfare could keep going if we didn't see the animals entrusted to our care find good, loving homes.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich