I agree with you on the message Oprah shared about all of us being worthy of blessings - just because we have been born. That was a significant message for me, too.

I watched the third to the last Oprah show yesterday afternoon. That is the first of the star-studded two day farewell show that was held at the United Center. (I haven't watched the second part yet.)

During that show, I was struck by something Madonna said: She said (and I am paraphrasing her here) that people are always asking her who her role models are, and that when they do, Madonna always asks, "Living or dead?" She went on to say she has several dead role models, but that Oprah is her ONLY LIVING ROLE MODEL.

She then talked about how both of them have a huge interest in helping women in Africa, and shared that like Oprah, she too, has a school she sponsors in Africa. She said she's experienced challenges with running it, but she's persevered because of Oprah's school.

I was impressed.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.