Leastwise, our aircraft had doors. A friend of mine took a similar flight in a copter without doors. That would be a bit unhinging, for me. Pun intended!

Oh, I agree! About 25 years ago, before I was married to Steve, I had a friend who took me and the kids along in a small plane, while he practiced what he called "touch and gos," which is essentially landing practice. He would be in contact with the tower, gain permission to land, land and then immediately take off again to do it again.

I was in the front passenger seat and the kids were in the backseat. My son was no more than 4 at the time, and he was hooked. He wanted to learn to fly.

I on the other hand, kept looking at the door and its handle, both of which seemed a bit flimsy to me, and wondering whether my seatbelt would keep me safely in the plane if that door were to fly open -- or off!

We flew from the Quad Cities airport in Moline, IL to the Kewanee, IL airport and back like it was nothing more than skating around the block. We actually landed at the Kewanee airport once - probably for a bathroom break - but there was really nothing to do there. Maybe a vending machine, but not much else.

I can't say this led me to have the bug for flying, though I do think flying anywhere in a private plane would have to be better than going commercial. Guess I'd prefer to have a private jet. And not sit up in the pilot's area.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.