And we won't even talk about antibiotics in our food supply along with the hormones.

Good point, Yonuh! That is getting to be pretty scary. I have been reading about antibiotics in dairy foods lately because there is a factory farm that is trying to move into the region and the local neighbor community members are starting to talk about water contamination.

Long story short, I have pretty much started to wonder whether I need to find sources to switch to only getting my daily products from organic suppliers. I DO only eat organic yogurt - which is a staple of my breakfast - but for the rest of my dairy products I have been buying the normal brands.

And of course, I love to buy my veggies from local organic farmers in the summer, but have no local sources the rest of the year...or for my meat.
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.