Has anyone spoken of the 16 bystanders who were shot? I haven't heard or seen any of their names or if they are okay or still in hospital or what? They were victims too and should be thought of and prayed for.

The political atmosphere in the country today is dangerous but it has always been in the past as well but with the internet, 24 hour TV and talk radio, we see/hear much more of the news. Before now it was only nightly news and newspapers caring anything. But with whats available now it makes for more people watching, reading and listening thus becoming involved and emotional about what is going on on both sides of the political coin. At a few rallies I atended I heard so many, women especially, saying this and the last campaign are the first ones they have taken any interest in except to vote. I suppose that is good and bad in some ways. What kind of an example is given to our young children with the open pointing of fingers and meanspiritedness??? And guess what, it will never be any different either, because man/woman do not learn from their mistakes. The past, and today proves that loud and clear...
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