Although an unbalanced man did the shooting it was politically driven. She is a congresswoman. He'd gone to one of her meetings before and she sent him a letter thanking him for attending. She was against whatever was in his head and he acted upon that. I don't think they will find him 'insane' but I do think they will find him mentally ill.
I disagree that this was not politically driven and that if this woman had protection this would not have happened. President Regan had secret service all around him and was still attacked. When someone wants to do someone harm they will find a way. This man came to gundown a political figure and take out as many of her supporters as possible.
Perhaps this should be a wakeup call to end the retirec that promotes hate and insightment of negative behaviors from those who are and are not balanced. There seems to no longer be any forethought before speaking one's mind. There doesn't seem to be research for facts before putting out info. And for those who present the facts seem to get rebuked by those who may be proved wrong in their summation of going ons.
I'm so glad the congresswoman is still alive and God willing will pull through her ordeal and be whole again. The travisty is that anyone was shot and killed because of their beliefs. I listened to Sarah Palin's comments about the map with targets on them and how polite she's suddenly become. Perhaps if she'd been this polite from the beginning as well as other politicians on both sides, the atmosphere in this nation would be less stressful and less violent. It was refreshing to hear FOX TV's producer tell his reporters to tone down the retoric and stick to the facts and to use intelligence in their reporting...finally, someone taking responsibility for what is put out to the public. Politicians and citizens need to stop using hate language and threats of violence to make their voices heard. I understand everyone is passionate about their beliefs, but that doesn't mean we have to be hateful in how we respond to those we disagree with.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards