Liking that so much,'s all good, isn't it (even the ups and downs and the sideways bits!). Glad we share a similar story, that's a good thing I like about posting here, you learn that there are others that share the same story, and that really helps to bolster your spirit...we have become so distanced from friends and neighbors, and I am blessed to have a bounty of both that I share different things with when I know their acceptability of certain things...and I am always in wonder of the power of women and the understanding and props they give to their friends and acquaintances...seriously! It's not just a southern thing, I really think all women are woven into the story of life, and that is something not dismissed lightly. That is why when a baby is born, or a marriage made, I always speil out my "welcome to the circle of life" diatribe (sometimes on deaf ears, the young ones don't seem to understand..) . It's what I have come to know and embrace,and it is pretty powerful. and even if you have lost or divorced your spouse, or never had children- this is powerful. Women make a difference in the path of life. We are linked to the spirit of our world and lives...and women carry the burdens and come to know their path in this miasma called life. And thank you for your congrats, I don't profess to be the be all and end all, I just give thanks for every blessing that comes our way -sometimes that is a stretch but it is so grounding to give words to your blessings...(and that man of mine, my heart, I worry so for him and love him so...)