Some people have the realisation of how each day must matter earlier then others.Due to line of my case teaching fragile children who were terminally ill.Or loosing a loved one earlier than many others in varying circumstances.
What happens then is as many cruise along life thinking they understand grief processes and express opinions often to "get over it" then the wiser person has to take back seat and in time be there for the time reality hits.For hit it will.
I am aware as I go around my daily tasks that everyone I meet may have a burden..illness in the family or indeed a death close by.
This year has been a hard year for us...several close friends died.Also a friends daughter was killed in a road accident/An old couple are separated ..he feels unable to continue..I hold his hand and listen.Sons break up there fathers friend is coping with serious disability living alone...incontinent..paralysed on one side..glad to be home after 8 months in hospital..the woman friends rebuilding a life alone..and a brave woman passed leaving a man who is now seldom sober...
what it has done for me is to draw out kindness...share what I have..waste no time on negative actions.never speak unkindly..
Importantly create for myself and others happy times..its not circle are all trying to do just that.