I feel that if we didn't change over the years something would be strange.Times that twice...each of you will have met and surmounted issues.Totally respecting another person accepts difference.

"For Auld lang Syne" a Scottish ballad makes a sentiment and we sing this at the end of gatherings and weddings and especially at New Year..so rather that cause conflict that may be regretted my thoughts are to let things lie low for now...
if a statement is made you dont agree on...ask what is meant..we do often speak in code..
I ask what people mean when I dont understand..eg at a recent funeral a woman said to me that "The family" didn't know who was phoning the ward...as the family did know I needed to ask,,,seems a far off estranged member did not know my husband and me.this loosly true statement needed clarified.this woman was just wrongly informed...
This way there is no baggage taken away from statements..and just maybe the woman will think twice when speaking hearsay.
saying what I wanted wasnt said in a nasty way just in a clear way..