Ladybug, I'm well aware that there is no cure for dementia. All I know is that I watched my mother slip from a witty, fun loving (never remembered the punch line to a dirty joke - but it never stopped her from telling them....) to a withdrawn 90 year old that thought she was 13. Calling for her mother and crying herself to sleep. That went on for nearly 5 years.

That's why I will do whatever I can to hopefully keep myself from following in her footsteps. I use hormones - bioidentical. I eat right, keep fit by exercising 3/4 days a week. Take a variety of supplements that I also know might be a waste of time. My DH and I fight over the crossword puzzle every night. Life is just a big crap shoot. With a little luck I'll get run over by a semi truck on the way to the casino when I'm 85.....

[ September 29, 2005, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: browser57 ]