Yes, so happy with the diet. I am making bread with spelt flour today. It costs $8.00 a loaf, and I paid $8.00 for the flour but it makes 2 loaves. I'm staying away from white anything as I mentioned. Feel so much better and keeping fibromyalgia symptoms away with diet and exercise.

Also, I am saving so much money not buying treats. I used to get a muffin with my coffee, also a cookie later in the day or something sweet. I have/had a real sweet tooth. I've broken the cravings cycle which is nice. It was not easy but now I can avoid it no problem.

As for the flirty guy, not sure why I question the reason, just been out of the dating game for a while, and he caught me by surprise. Even if he is just being friendly that's ok, keeps me going to the gym anyway :-)