Don't disagree with the idea of a couple trying for counselling, etc. DreamerKate. AGree that we have no idea of Jesse's and Bullock's real personalities at home.

But each person in the relationship must want to change and work actively in partnership for that change when sexual infidelity has occurred.

Otherwise it ends up 1 person HOPING the other person will change permanently.

I read both individuals in their relationship as having strong personalities. He seems incredibly "dumb", airheaded just based on the comments he said publicly and saying 'sorry'. Yea right. Sure.

Dotsie mentioned about some people who curiously 'bait' infidelity or flirt. I truly don't understand men or women who 'flirt' when they already are coupled with a partner. It's just foreign to me. I interpet flirting under those circumstances as insecurity of the flirter who needs some sort of validation.

When men wink at me (this has happened several times to me in my last job), I just respond as if I didn't notice or nonplussed and just carry along what I'm saying with a straight face. I was a manager in a job, for cryin' out loud.

Then they realize they shouldn't have done it to me. So it never happens again. Good. laugh

Why in the heck, do some coupled guys/women flirt? To gain favour with someone else?
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)