Wow!! What a welcome!!! You gals are great just what I need. I'm new to the computer, trying to figure my way around. Thanks for those bears!! Sooo Cute!! Thank you!! I will figure out how to send you all neat tidings of joy asap!! Taking a class at the local library on basic laptoping! lol!! Thank god for spell check. I think I needed to hear I've earned time to myself. I really like living alone and my freedom. My only child is 25 and lives on her own, third yr in school. She has been my parent for the past 3yrs. She wanted me to leave him yrs ago, I didn't. I'm now ashamed, I set a bad example for her about men. I have no friends, no other family. I'm truly alone for the first time in my life. I'm ok with that. I don't EVER want another man. I wont share my home again (only my daughter if need be). My only worry is about money. I'm starting over with nothing. No retirement only his ss when he retires in 15 yrs. I'm worried about how I will live in the future. I've got enough for the short term but I need a career. Thinkin about college, Student loans scare me, going into debt to get a job. Its hard at 47yrs when all the applicants are 20-30yrs olds now. I know the job market will shift soon. I'm going from being middle-class to no class, lifestyle. I'm very good with money,we had some put away but he got to it when he found out I was going to leave and gambled it all a way. I've lived on 5 dollars and 500 dollars, its just scary now.. But yes my head is in my butt right now, I do need some me time and it was good to hear. There is my Dr. Phil moment. Thanks ladies for your support.
paige 2