Oh yeah, our concern is that he's going to try to get out of bed and fall. He occasionally gets restless.

While on the other unit, they had the side rails up on the bed, and the alarm on the bed.

Prior to leaving last night, we realized only one side rail was up so we asked the tech if we could raise the other side.

"No, we can't do that. It's against hospital policy."

me - "What's against hospital policy?

"If we do that, we're restraining the patient, and we can't restrain them."

me- "Well, that's what we want to do. We don't want him to get out of bed."

"Yes, but that's considered restraining the patient and we can't do that. That's against hospital policy."

me - "Well they had them up on the other floor."

"Well not everyone listens."

This is the most ridiculous conversation, and it went on and on.

He got the nurse to come in and she said the very same thing.

I don't get it. It's about safety. What about when they strap them in bed? That's restraining a patient, isn't it?

So after talking with the nurse, she decided to put the side down on his weak side because it was less likely that he could get out on that side.


Made no sense to me.

Anyone ever heard this?

I hate to complain because the care on this floor is wonderful, but this is ridiculous. It has to do with patient rights?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.