Unfortunately, Towson and Baltimore really aren't bike friendly towns so I'm not likely to ride. I got a bike as an adult. I think it was for my 40th birthday, and it sat in the shed so long without getting use that I got rid of it. We have lots of traffic and hardly any bike lanes throughout our county. I'm a big safety bug, and I can't see how one can ride safely around here. There are trails, but I don't have time to lug the bike and ride. I prefer to get on at home and go.

I will say that comfort is very important. I did a lot of biking in eighth and ninth grade and learned how to fit my bike to my body, which made a tremendous difference. I guess back then, I just rode in traffic and wasn't as safety conscience.

I am so glad biking is such an easy and rewarding sport for you in Canada.

Oh, the only bikes I'll ride at the Y are the recumbent ones. They are more comfortable. I took one spinning class which was horrendous because the bike was not adjusted properly.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.