Wow...I'm moving to Isreal. What a wonderful community. What wonderful respect for parents these kids have who live there...and the things that they have that I see missing from so many parents here is "reenforcement" of the rules. What it boils down to is respect...for your parents, for yourself, for your community. Respect.
I like that the husband was the one who stood behind his wife and supported her and that neither backed down.
Not one curse word was tolerated and they asked that they not do that...I admire these parents and can see the love and respect their children have for them.
If many parents in this country had this same kind of standard, perhaps our own kids would turn around.
I see in my very home neighborhood kids who talk back to their parents and the mother or father will sit there and take it.
It's a crazy world...I've lost my own sons recently because of value conflicts, mis-understandings and pride...and they're in their 30's. I'm afraid at their age it's hopeless...until they have kids they are not going to get it. They're too busy being 'bro's' and 'their own man', be it. I think what lacked in our situation was a dad to reenforce in my sons a respect towards their mom. I never had that kind of support. It's always been me trying to teach them but in the end it never has fully taken hold with either of them. When someone cannot see the forest for the trees, there's not a whole lot one can do. When a person doesn't want to see the point, for arguing, there's nothing one can do. I'm tired of fighting something I cannot change. If they don't understand by now...well, I think you all know that answer.
Life goes on and despite the loss and the heaviness that comes with that loss, I have to believe that God has the whole picture in his I keep the faith that he knows what he's doing.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards