EW, I can hear your exhaustion in your post. I know it's rough on us, but can you imagine being the elderly; your mother, my FIL? I can't. That's what is so upsetting. Due to your rant, your mother will now get the care everyone should be receiving all along. It's pitiful for the ones who don't have advocates like you. Bless your pissed off heart. They'll be bending over backwards to care for your mom now. Don't let up.

My FIL is also in an expensive care facility and the care is often questionable. Most of the time it's good, but there are exceptions. I was there Wednesday and thought his eyes looked red and gooey. Sure enough, Ross diagnosed him with conjunctivitis in both eyes and ordered drops four times a day. Why didn't they see that?

When we were there last night, Ross checked to see the medicine log book and sure enough, they hadn't given him his last dose. The gal said she wasn't use to giving him eye drops so she forgot. That's unacceptable in my opinion.

There he lays with a scar from the last fall which took place about six weeks ago, and a tremendous stiched forehead from a fall last week when he had to get 20 stitches, now with conjuctivitis...and we just got a notice that the raised the fee $330.00 a month. Can you imagine? And we're stuck. A move would be horrendous for him. He doesn't even like to leave this place because he's become so attached to it. When he leaves, he gets anxious about getting back because he doesn't have a key or know how to enter the building. So sad.

What is eldercare going to be like when we're in need?

Thinking of and praying for you and your mom.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.