I was just thinking I should have been more accurate...it's not the whole screen that jumps, it's the text inside of the reply/post box...when I type beyond the bottom of the box, all the text in the box jumps around.

So I just tested...typed about 25 lines, and the text never jumped. Which makes me think it might only be happening in the edit box. I'll try to edit another post, just to see what line it starts jumping at.

Addendum: now I'm in the edit box, typing nothing important, trying to see when the text starts jumping.

now its'jumping...so it's in the edit box that I experience the jumping, starting at whatever line I'm typing right now.

Edited by Eagle Heart (09/20/09 10:16 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)