Cheez wiz ladies!! Lurkers! Sounds ominous. I have to admit, I'm guilty of 'lurking' and not posting sometimes; but I'd rather think of myself as a spectator-about-to-become-full-fledged participant, after I get a feel for the game.

Anyhoo, Orchid I just wanted to ask you, are you a professional biker, you know, one of those who has all the clothes, and $1000 bike, does races, and etc.? Or a casual, but enthusiastic biker? Or?
Hubbie and I ride our 24 speed hybrids, down the road to the cemetery, for a good workout and a peaceful experience. It's a great place to bike ride. No traffic, quiet, lots of beautiful trees, flowers, birds, and the road through the place is loopy with numerous grades and turns. Who woulda thunk it? Experiencing Life to the Fullest, amongst the eternally slumbering. And as a bonus, we can make a quick stop and say hello, just passing through, to my dad and grandparents who reside there. I bet Canada is a gorgeous place to practice biking. Anyway, I felt compelled to 'post' and not be a lurker, even though these comments are a bunch of nothingness.

Cheers and Ciao for Now...

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"Lord help me to be the person my dog thinks I am..."