My sis is the office manager for a dental office so I have a different slant on things. I love going there and accuse the two dentist there of hiring only "pretty people" to work for them. Course that's not true, but everyone there has such great personalities, that they ARE pretty to me.

They also have vibrating chairs you can turn on inbetween the torture procedures, and they wax your hands for you (I LOVE this) and they give you mementos like manicure sets, or boy scout knives, when you leave. There is a TV in every room, and magazines of every kind in there. Get this... they ALSO give you homemade cookies when you leave. I told Doc (that's what I call him) that he just does this to ensure cavities...

I love my dentist and wouldn't even consider going anywhere else... why would I do that? Homemade cookies people! Ya know?