Dee, my sister lived in New Orleans so I can pretty much picture where you were. How frightening. I can't believe you weren't hurt. Are you stiff today?

By the grace of God, you were in the truck. What a blessing that was.

I'm totally creeped out that he put his arm around you. What's up with that? Did anyone else stop? I can't imagine being on the highway with cars zooming by while you ttwo were standing there. That sounds horrific enough.

After him telling you the story about his family, I figured he was a nice guy wanting a break, but turns out he was a creep; chanign the story about the accident. Honestly, who can you trust?

I was in the back of my sister's car, sitting behind her, the driver, with another sister in the passenger seat. We were in a funeral procession. I saw a car approaching the intersection from the left, and said, "Do you see this car on the left?" She siad she did, but couldnt' do anything to get out of his way; slow down, speed up. Whateve hse did, they ended up hitting us right on the side I was sitting. Thus began a year of hell for me. After the year, I finally had the shoulder surgery and healed. I should have had the surgery the week after the accident, but I was told it would heal without surgery. What a mess.

Glad you are behind your PC chatting with us. So glad!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.