A close call indeed, Dee. Relieved to know you were not hurt.

Been in one in the States in the 80's. Rear-ended a Pontiac sedan with my Volvo station wagon after the driver decided to stop on a yellow light even when her car was already a third out into the intersection and she had been driving 40. And, so was I, as I intended to cross the intersection before the light turned red. I was a two-car distance from behind, shifted to low gear before slamming on my horn and brakes on a two-lane road with cars behind me and on the side. Knew I was going to hit her because it had rained and I was skidding. The impact pushed her car right in the middle of the intersection. I went down to check on her but she said: "I'm fine and would drop it if you would." She had no damage to her car as she drove a tank but my car dragged the bumper. And she happily drove away.

I drove to the gas station in the corner to have the bumper pulled and was told it was likely the other driver did not have documentation i.e. insurance, driver's licence etc. because she could have easily claimed for compensation. No one was hurt, no police was called and no pecuniary claims.

It was my first car accident but, I was not shaken up. I was furious. Felt thankful at the same time however, because I had a tire-screeching VW Beetle behind me who managed to miss my rear by a few inches!