I understand what you mean by pain Eagle. I think if I didn't have the pain, I wouldn't be alive, if that makes any sense. I had a wonderful relationship with my dad. He wasn't only my dad, he was my friend too. But now I need to focus on cherishing the memories with him and with that, I can feel him guiding me, even now.

Dotsie, I do miss my mom, but this was the best thing for her. I talk to her all the time and the other day I told her she didn't have to go back and live in that house. Richard already told her she was more than welcome to come and live with us. In fact, bless his heart, one of the last things he said to my dad was, "I promise you, I will take care of Cathi and Sofia (My mom's name is Sofia too)". Anyway, I have an aunt, my mom's sister, who lives only a couple of miles away from me. In fact, she stayed with my parent's and was a great big help to my dad in his last months. My aunt is trying to talk her into moving here too. The seeds have been planted, and I think, for her, being in Greece will help her sort things out a bit clearer.

You are right Di, He didn't tell us how long. I actually like the book of Ecclesiastes for a time like this. God tells us how to live in this flesh body. I read the Bible to my dad on the day he died and I read him verses of comfort to him. I read to him this portion, Ecclesiastes 12:6-7

"6 or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.

7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it."

I am glad you mentioned this Di, I went back and read that entire chapter. It was comforting in a simple way.

I love you all alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!