Cathi, I'm so glad to see you in here again. You have been missed. I can so relate to your grief, as I know so many others in here can. It has been five years since Daddy died but there are days when it seems like yesterday. There are also days when I'm just rocking along and thinking life is good then wham! It's like someone took a lasso and roped my feet pulling them out from under me. I'm hit with the realization that he is no longer here, I can't speak to him, or get a hug. This usually happens when someone repeats an old saying that Daddy used to love, or I walk by my favorite picture of him here in the house. It DOES happen, and it's okay that it does.


Because I have trained myself to believe that it is Daddy's way of saying, "Hey kiddo, I'm right here. I love you and if you need me, just talk to me." This works for me. It massages my aching heart and let's me know that Daddy is still with me.

Love doesn't die. Repeat that to yourself, because it is true. LOVE NEVER DIES. The physical body may be gone, but the love covers you like a blanket.

Love you girl!