Hi all - I've truely been lurking on the site when I've had time. Both of my sisters need your loving prayers.

Right now - today- my older sister is having triple bypass surgery in Illinois. She found out yesterday when they were going to do an angioplasty that she had blockages in her heart. So today she's already being operated on. I would ask all of you to remember her in your prayers. I'm getting updates from my cousin throughout the surgery. So far she's doing great.

My twin has had many problems since May 20th. She went into emergency surgery for hernia/bowel blockage. That surgery went without any problems. She was released and about 3 weeks later she had the same symptoms again. She ended up in the ER again and had another surgery. It seems the mesh they used for the first surgery had allowed the bowel to attach itself to it. Odd I think. Anyhow, The Dr didn't want to open her again so did laproscopic surgery hoping to get to the obstruction through those holes. Since she also had gall stones, he took out the gall bladder. Then made other small incisions to try and get the bowel loose. While doing this, he poked some holes in the bowel trying to get it loose. So they had to cut her open anyhow. They took about 1 1/2 foot of bowel out. She was doing great. But found there was an infection from the surgery so he opened several staples and ordered a wound vac for her. So we got home health and are now working with them.

We found she has MRSA and is supposed to take meds for that. The PICC line they left in her arm has been hurting her and they still leave it it. I finally switched her to the same Dr that did my surgery last October. We go to him tomorrow.

So it's been a hard time for her and my daughter and I. We could use your prayers. Both of my sisters are needy right now but I know you're prayers will definitely make a big difference in all of it. Thanks in advance.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008