Dear Dianne

Chatty lady is right. Milk Thistle works great. There are other aspects to the liver, such as the blood within the liver. When the blood is properly nourished within the liver then you can get a more optimum response.

Some people get dizzy and the cause of that can be the liver yang rising to the head due to blood depletion at the liver level or kidney level.

The chinese doctors and text books give a great understanding of how to regenerate the body's systems and organs.

I'm glad that your life scans came back fine Dianne.

The best form of calcium has:
calcium MHA 666mg
magnesium fumarate 333mg
vitamin d 200iu

You should always take magnesium with calcium and the magnesium should be half the dose. I get this combination from a naturopathic doctor.

Enjoy your trip to Florida and I hope you enoy Sunblood. It's an unusual story Dianne with a bit of prophecy within it, energy I felt in the early 90's.

It was written to prevent what I felt was coming in regard to world events. It was also written to give people an understanding or awareness of the whole, how everything is interconnected within one's life and within our environment, including politics and economics.
