Di, don't linens get moist in a laundry room? Our laundry room gets hot and steamy , so I could not store any clothes there.

Laundry rooms are usually just practical and not pretty, (like mine). Although I once saw one, where I thought I would love to wash my clothes there. Large blue and white tiles covered the floor. A vase of fresh Daisies ( maybe they were fake) stood on the window sill, although it was a cellar room. The walls were panelled in white. A blue wooden table, free of all stuff, was there to fold linens on. Detergents etc. were behind cabinet doors with round windows and shiny bronze latches. They looked like portholes. The washer and dryer stood elevated on a cemented podest. In Germany the doors are in the front of the machines, (so no more bending).
You got the fresh feeling of being on a ship. It was truly a delightful and inviting room.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.