Rabbit's foot- Jabber, at least I don't feel as if I grew up in a wierd, hillbilly warp. I even remember feeling the little tiny claw in the foot. Maybe it wasn't a real rabbit's foot, just a piece of plastic covered with fake fur.

But I thought about this and realized how ancient/primitive that strange childhood charm was.

I don't have anything for luck. But now I just realized I'm not 100% where I stored the childhood red stone ring that my parents gave to me from the penny store. It was garnet coloured..but fake. My birthstone is garnet. The ring was so big on my finger that my mother wrapped some red thread around it so I could wear it for a few wks. Then I got bored and stored it away. But I do take it out occasionally just to look at it.

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)