Our three yr. old granddaughter "A" just spent 4 days with us. It was exhausting, but wonderful. We took her pony riding, trampoline jumping, hiking, gardening, and I played dolls with her so much; my typing is high pitched.

She is now getting into knock-knock jokes. If anyone has more to add, I’d weally weally appreciate it. Also, does anyone know any simple magic tricks? If you do, please share!
Here are some jokes I dug up that a three year old understands. Any more?

I wonder why they make my left eye twitch.grin
Knock knock,
who’s there?
clown who?
clown went to the circus, and then he (insert random thing happening here - slipped on a banana peel and fell down on his butt, rode a walrus to the moon, put on some funny pants

1. Knock-knock.
Who’s there?
Will who?
Knock, knock.”
Who’s there?”
Banana who?”
Knock, knock.”
Who’s there?”
Banana who?”
Knock, knock.”
“Who’s there?”
“I said Banana who?”
Knock, knock.”
Who’s there?”
Orange who?”
Orange ya Glad I didn’t say Banana?”
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.