Dotsie, with me, ice has been the way to go because of inflammation.

I saw a new chiropracter on Friday and found out that he's a local state representative (not in my district) who's up for reelection. Bush had been visiting our area the day before and the chiropracter had lunch with him (along with other locals). Bush asked for an egg salad sandwich and the poor waitress had to tell him they didn't have egg salad.

Anyway, this chiropracter doesn't do the big adjustment thing but uses this instrument called an Activator, that uses mechanical thrusting force (something like that). It didn't really seem like he was doing anything but my shoulder feels more normal than it has for a month. He said my spine is slightly curved so my right hip is lower than my left and the ways I compensate for that are what are causing the pains I feel off and on.

I see him again next week. It will be interesting to see if there is continued improvement.