I got the worst kind of story to relate with some trepidation...I was newly widowed and went on a blind date to a beach party at a friends beasch house, There were 20 or so of us and we roasted hot dogs etc. and swam. The young man i was to be with was the son of a man that owned the neatest Lobster house in town so I figured he would be okay. It was a great party and he was pleasant and gentlemanly and I enjoyed his company. Later that night as the party was breaking up and it was time to leave, I went upstairs to get dressed and headed for my friends bedroom where my cloth were. As I oopened the door there he stood in front of the mirror, self in hand, wearing my bra (he'd padded it) and my panties and was having quite a time all by himself. I closed the door very quietly and ran downstairs to my friend. He came down about 1/2 hour later as if nothing had happened. My friend gave me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear and I told her to burn the other stuff. Her husband took me home, I never even said good-bye to whatever that was I had the date with...No blind dates for me... [Mad]